Abby & Jessie
Best friends that play together, stay together! :))) You can request us together or apart. We started playing together when were really young. Abby would come to my place and we would play house. Things started heating up when we both walked in on my parents having sex. Abby said we should do it too. So, we went right to work making our family goo! We have been "playing house" for almost 13 years! We taught our young school friends too! Jessie and I have always been adventurous. We would use our barbies in our holes and even use food! Whatever we could get our hands on would be inside of us. We were wild kids. We totally still are too!
Monday- 10am-10pm Est
Thursday-10am-10pm Est
Friday-10am-10pm Est
Saturday- 10am-10pm Est
Sunday-10am-10pm Est
Green, Blue
110, 100
A-34B-24-36 J-32B-24-30
5ft 5in